Saturday, February 13, 2016

Fuel the World

Biotechs Helping to Conserve Fuel World Wide

Sign, Gas, Gas Station, Ecology, Oil, Petrol, Fuel

In the previous post, I suggested a pathway in biotechnology that makes use of genetics to detect and cure diseases.  What if you are not the type of person who likes genetcs?  What if you are a type of person that like industry?  Well there is a pathway in biotechnology for you.
This pathway makes use of biological processes to make microscopic manufacturing plants.  These "micro-factories" can be used to produce medicine, help the environment, and save energy and resources.  

As I did before, I will list a few positive and negative benefits of the pathway.

Positive Aspects

  • Micro-factories made of biological organisms can be used to make pharmaceutical compounds, such as insulin. 
  • Biotechnology is used to produce biofuels that offer environmentally friendly alternatives to gasoline. 
  • Biofuels can be used to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • Biocatalysts can save energy by lowering the operating temperatures of manufacturing plants.
  • Biocatalysts make efficient use of water resources and decrease waste generation.

Negative Aspects

  • The synthesis of biofuels and biocatalysts require tedious and meticulous attention.
  • Cultivating biological organisms takes time and careful preparations.  Slight deviation from the protocol can result failure of the entire project.  
  • Contamination, such as from pathogens and from bio-organisms, possess a big issue to the production process.
  • Possible FDA involvement.
  • There is no guarantee that the impact will be immediate.
This pathway makes huge impact on the world especially with respect to bio fuels.  The pathway aims to better the lives of the people and better the environment.  If you love to interact with mechanical equipment, are an advocate of protecting the environment, and want to make an impact on human lives through industry, I would recommend this pathway for you.

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