Sunday, February 28, 2016

Internship at Medronic

World's Largest Standalone Medical Device Company

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Medtronic is the largest medical device company in the world. The company has its US headquarters in Minnesota with several locations in California.  If you want to work on cutting edge research and want to be a force of change in the treatment of disease, then I highly recommend you to consider a career at Medtronic.  Medtronic offers internships and full time positions and if you would like to apply for an internship click here.  If you would like to learn about the technologies that Medtronic is currently producing, please continue reading.

Worldwide many individuals suffer from heart burn and we treat it as a normal condition.  When someone says they have heartburn, we simply say take some antacids.  That should fix the issue. However, sometimes heartburn can lead to a more serious condition.

This condition is called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD.  Individuals suffering from GERD experience a burning pain near their upper stomach specially after eating or when lying down.  This disease although painful can lead to a more serious condition called Barrett's Disease or Barrett's Esophagus.  With this condition, the lower portion of the individual's becomes damaged and cause great discomfort to the individual. Additionally, the damage to the esophagus can lead to esophageal and stomach cancer.  However, there is a better treatment that is being developed that can fight this disease.

Radiofrequency and Ablation Therapy is a technique developed by Medtronic to combat Barrett' Esophagus. The technique allows the removal of abnormal tissue in the esophagus with little damage to the surrounding healthy cells.  The patient is put to sleep and the device is inserted into the esophagus via the mouth and a controlled level of energy is used to remove a thin layer of tissue.  The process is repeated in the area of abnormal cell growth.

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