Thursday, March 24, 2016


More Than Just Aspirin
You may have seen the commercials about the Bayer Aspirin.  They are always depicting a man who as a heart attack and the doctor puts him on a aspirin regiment.  This gives the impression that Bayer makes only aspirin but in fact, it is in one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies.  It produces more than a dozen types of medicines for people.

Roche Diagnostics

The Fight Against AMD

Image result for age related macular degeneration

Today, as we make advancements in technology, we have been able to protect ourselves from many diseases.  We have better cleaning and disinfecting products which help prevent bacteria from making us sick.  However, did you know that there is a sickness that no one can avoid?  What is this disease?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Edwards Lifesciences

Healing Doors of the Heart

Image result for heart valves
Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of deaths around the world.  Many people believe that the disease is when a person gets a heart attack.  What the people don’t realize is that cardiovascular disease can effect a person in several different ways; heart attack being only one on them.

Abbott Laboratories

Image result for diabetes

Many people think that pharmaceuitical and medical device companies only make drugs or medical devices, but that is not true.  There are in fact many companies that produce medicines and medical devices for everyday use. For example, Abbott Laboratories produces

Tuesday, March 22, 2016



     DNA is the genetic blueprint of life and is found in every organ and every cell.  A cell in the liver has the same DNA as the cell in the heart so how is that every type of cell has a different function despite having the same set of instructions?  Shouldn’t all of the them be the same and behave in the same manner?

Johnson and Johnson

Have you ever wandered if Johnson & Johnson made any products besides baby shampoo and skin care products?  You may not know this but Johnson & Johnson is also a leading manufacture of medical devices.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Internship vs CO-OP


After researching into a lot of biotechnology companies, I have seen that some of the them offer internships to students while other offer COOPs.  After noting this, I thought to myself, why not do a post explaining the difference between the two.

Boston Scientific

Wireless in Biotechnology

Technology has advanced remarkably fast over the past few decades specially in the medical field. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to see in person the a defibrillator developed by Boston Scientific that makes use of such advances in technology to help pace the heart.